Sunday, January 1, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

Happy New Year everyone!
I am sad to see 2011 end, I want to hold onto every minute before the time left on this calendar can only be counted in seconds. There have been so many revelations, so much growth, so much happiness these past 365 days, I can only hope that 2012 hits 2011's admirable benchmark.
The fireworks this year are a staccato soundtrack to outline the major events, and the minor but no less important everyday moments, that will forever cement 2011 into my mind.
This year I have been lucky enough to travel to California for a total of two months, and have been to Melbourne with Mum and Jess.

This year I have learnt so much about myself. There have been large revelations about my character evident both in how I feel about myself, and how I conduct myself in the world. I have discovered that I am worthy of love, and how when you are open to the universe love will come strolling in, take you by surprise, take you for a ride. Love has so much to teach, whether it lasts forever, or whether we are only blessed with its light for a short moment in time. I am still discovering the lessons left in its wake.
I have learnt that I am capable of whatever I put my mind to. When I want something, when I feel that it is vital to my soul to reach a goal that I set myself, then I have the strength of character, the metal in my soul, to get those feet on the pavement and run towards the finish line.

Perhaps the greatest lesson that I have learnt in the classroom of 2011 is to really enjoy and treasure everyday moments. I have seen the blessings of living every hour that I am here. The gifts that we can receive if we open our hearts and our minds to what is happening in the world, right where we are, right here in this time.
The past can teach us, the future gives us something to reach for, but in reality all we have is this second, this breath, that we can be sure of.
I have no clue as to what 2012 has in store. There are many things that I am hoping for, goals that I am planning to check off (more about that tomorrow) but as for the day to day course of my ship, I leave that to the winds that are yet to blow. I am comforted by the memories that I made in 2011 by just trusting the tides and the storms. I am heartened by the knowledge that come what may I am built for life, that if I continue to pay forward positivity then I should reap what I sow, and that there is a silver lining everyday, we just need to know how to look at the hours that are gifted to us.
I hope that you all have a wonderful New Years Eve and that the only memories of 2011 that you carry into the new year are positive. Think of midnight as a chance to leave behind the baggage of the past 12 months and take only that which makes your heart light.
See you on the other side of midnight my friends.


  1. Such a great 2011!! I can't wait to see what 2012 brings for you!

  2. early happy new year to u!!! :) i luv seeing/reading ur yearly reflections and i agree that 2012 is going to be even better! :) take care my dear chickpea and from this side of the globe i'm wishing u my best!!

  3. beautifully written as always. i always feel such a connection to you when you right...i can relate to exactly what you are saying many times...especially now when you talk about appreciating the moment :) hope you had a wonderful holiday season dear friend!
